sales can help if you have a business that has recently closed or are just looking to redecorate. we can sell all of your kitchen appliances, office furniture, etc. at a fair market value.


Nancy's Estate Sales

We have a thing for things!

It began organically... just a few side jobs here and there, running estate sales for friends and family. By word of mouth alone, those side jobs have evolved into our business of finding new homes for previously used items. Whether we’re running an estate or moving sale or selling high quality items from our new consignment studio, we love playing match maker!

Let us help you get rid of unused items for a profit or find that perfect piece of quality furniture that you’ll never be able to find at IKEA.

Let us help you start with a clean slate!

   Garage Clean   Out

We help you make sense of your messy garage. We’ll clean from top to bottom, organize your items to keep, sell, toss or donate. It’s important to organize your tools, and other useful items needed in the garage.

Getting rid of items not used in more that a year, or items that are dangerous is essential. If you have items of value, we’ll help you sell them so you can reclaim your garage space.

Garage spaces have special needs because they are often filled with chemicals, paints, and tools that can pose a danger to others. Correctly handling and disposing of items is important. We know how to do a deep clean as well to make sure no molds and mildew are building up.

IF you are in need of a garage clean up, you don’t have to do all the work. Give us a call and let us handle it. In most cases, you can have your garage space back in one weekend!

           Death In Family

Losing a loved one can be overwhelming. In addition to grieving, many family members can be overwhelmed by the task at hand, handling funeral arrangements and settling an estate.

You might be facing a home full of decades of collectables, memorabilia, furniture and sentimental items. Handling a clean out of this size can be daunting.

We understand what you are going through and have the professional clean out experience to clean, organize, value and sell items. We’ll make sure the sentimental items are preserved and the items of value get the most money from a sale.

You don’t have to go through this alone, and you don’t have to do all the work. We are there every step of the way. Call us today for a quote on getting your estate cleaned out if you are experiencing a death in the family.


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